10 Of The Best Apps for Vegans

Looking to eat healthier? Need some inspo in the kitchen? These apps for vegans can help!

By Maya Campbell

Being a vegan is a lifestyle that requires dedication, especially if you consider veganism also involves fashion and cosmetic choices.  Thankfully, the transition to a vegan lifestyle has become a bit easier thanks to technology.  

For example, creating delicious vegan meals becomes way easier and faster with the help of recipe apps, that walk you through what you need to shop for and how to cook it, with glorious, inspirational pics of the results. There are also online resources that offer information on which cosmetics brands are cruelty free or not with a quick check on your mobile phone.

According to the Washington Post, the proliferation of mobile data  has changed how we access information forever – no longer are we using clunky cookbooks to guide us through meal creation, for example – most of our food inspo comes from Instagram, Pinterest, and now, the proliferation of  Apps for Vegans.

Through these apps, you can find not only great recipes, but also information on supermarket food brands and restaurants, too. Just visit Google Play, Amazon, the Android or iPhone store (depending on your device), and you’re set!

10 Must-Have Apps for Vegans

1. Food Monster

Dubbing itself as the ‘biggest, baddest’ vegan app around, the Food Monster App features a whopping 5,000+ vegan recipes that put clean, healthy vegan eating in the palm of your hand. There are 500+ search options and 10+ new recipes added daily. We’re talking hearty burgers, cheesecakes, decadent desserts, as well as seasonal favourites! Featuring incredible multi-image, 3D-touch enabled HD photos, vegan food never looked this good.

10 Must-Have Apps for Vegans

2. HappyCow  

Unsure where to dine tonight? Consider downloading HappyCow to help you find the most recommended vegan- and vegetarian-friendly restaurants wherever you are. The app is simple to use: it connects to your GPS to point out vegan and veggie eateries in most countries around the globe.


3. Vegan Yum Yum

Taken from  the award-winning blog  by Lauren Ulm, this app presents users with an array of yummy-yummy recipes. They can all be be viewed and organised on your mobile device, making it an ideal app for picking up ingredients while on the go.


4. Is It Vegan?

We know you’re vegan, but is that food you’re about to buy? Even some popular ‘clean eating’ foods like veggie burgers may not actually be vegan friendly. Make it easier to scan your groceries in the store with the help of the ‘Is It Vegan?’ app that scans products and tells users its ingredients and the amount of vegan ingredients it contains.

10 Must-Have Apps for Vegans

5. 21-Day Vegan Kickstart

Are you new to the vegan lifestyle? This amazing app developed by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine takes you through  a whole 21-day transformation  by planning your meals for almost a month. It worked for Beyonce and Jay Z, who both apparently went vegan over the course of – you guessed it – 21 days.

For even more great tips on going vegan, you can also check out sites like this.

10 Must-Have Apps for Vegans

6. Animal-Free

Are you sure caragen gum is vegan-friendly?  What about albumen? Pointing out all of the hidden animal products found in food by scanning barcodes, this vegan app helps people become more aware as shoppers. You can also share hidden ingredients you find in certain products with others who have the app.



7. Cruelty Free

Of course, being vegan isn’t just about the food – it’s about what you put on your body, too. That includes cosmetics, and unfortunately, many brands are still using animal products, or even testing on animals! Find out which ones do or don’t with this great app, which covers hundreds of Canadian and American based brands.


8. Green Kitchen’s Healthy Vegetarian Recipes

Ok, so this app isn’t 100% vegan, sadly. But when it comes to the nicest-looking vegetarian app, there’s no doubt that Green Kitchen’s app wins this category. But, more than just a great interface, the eye-grabbing photography accompanied with its delectable recipes make it a must-have. The app is accessible here.


8. Vegan Fitness & Health App

Of all the apps for vegans, this may be the most comprehensive, with the most tips!

Vegans are sometimes worried about how to stay healthy and strong, so luckily, this app covers all of the information on vegan health, fitness, nutrition, fat loss, workouts and general vegan life which can also be found on  VeganFitness.com.  Get sexy and save the planet in mere minutes per week by implementing Plant Based Nutrition, HIT Training & Intermittent Fasting with tips from this app.


10. Forks Over Knives

Did you love the movie, Forks Over Knives? Looking for some innovation in the kitchen? Want to try different meals every day? Consider getting the Forks Over Knives app that offers more than 180 plant-based, whole food recipes as created by leading chefs. The app gets weekly updates ensuring that you get new recipes for another seven days.


Photo Credits: Flickr via  Compfight  and Creative Commons

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