What is the Schumann Resonance? You may not have heard of it before, but it’s more important than you think
By Jody McCutcheon
Isn’t it a nice feeling to know you’re surrounded by family, with all the loving support and positive energy necessary to achieve optimal health and success in life? Conversely, aren’t these achievements far more difficult when that support network is removed?
Well, like a loving, caring family, our planet possesses a special ability to nurture all life on it. But rather than using encouraging words or chicken soup, Mother Earth supports its denizens with resonant frequencies. And one of the most vital is the Schumann Frequency.
What Is The Schumann Frequency?
The Schumann Resonance (SR) is also known as the Schumann Frequency. This consists of naturally occurring, extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves that inhabit the space above the Earth and below the ionosphere.
It sounds trippy, but this is a real thing. And it’s important, as we shall see.
Discovered, or more accurately, mathematically predicted, by Winfried Otto Schumann in 1952, SR is sustained by the energy created by the 2000 or so thunderstorms that produce about 50 flashes of lightning around the planet every second.
The SR ELF electromagnetic waves encircle the globe, hug-like. It encircles the earth, vibrating at the frequency of 7.83 Hz and creating a repeating beat. However, it does fluctuate from time to time. The highest we’ve reached so far was 36 Hz in 2017. But this article is concerned with that predominant wave of 7.83Hz.
The Impact On Human Health
Obviously, our survival is dependent on the Earth’s atmosphere for oxygen and its terrestrial bounty of food and water. But ever more evidence shows something surprising. Namely, that we also require a steady diet of geomagnetic resonances to maintain optimal health. And the Schumann Resonance in particular.
Upon discovering that the fundamental Schumann frequency of 7.83Hz is very close to that of human alpha wave rhythms, Schumann’s doctoral student Herbert Konig was one of the first modern researchers to associate SR with human bioactivity.
Centuries before Konig, though, ancient Indian Rishis also knew about it. To enhance the SR, they chanted the isochronic tonal frequencies. The result is a sound you might be familiar with: ‘OM’.
The benefits of chanting ‘OM’ are many. For example, this can:
- Reduce stress
- Improve concentration
- Mitigate digestive issues
- Enhance emotional well-being
and more.
Tone Matters
In fact, plenty of evidence suggests humans of all cultures have, over millennia, used sound for wellbeing. They’ve also achieved trance states by synchronising with planetary resonances. And that’s before even knowing precisely what those were, of course. This was done through various rituals like shamanic drumming and dancing, or religious behaviours such as bobbing and swaying during prayer.
Isochronic tones are regular beats of a single tone used for brainwave training. They differ from monaural beats, which are constant sine wave pulses rather than entirely separate pulses of a single tone. As the contrast between noise and silence is more pronounced than the constant pulses of monaural beats, the stimulus is stronger. This has a greater effect on brain entrainment.
Alpha Waves
In our brains, alpha waves span the frequency range of 7.5-12.5Hz. They’re present in our brains during deep relaxation, dreaming and light meditation. This state brings us to the tip of the creativity iceberg that exists just below conscious awareness.
It could be said that alpha waves are a “gateway” of sorts to deeper states of consciousness. Artists and other creatives often report that they get their best ideas just before falling asleep. These waves can promote mental coordination, calmness, alertness, inner awareness, mind/body integration and learning.
Since alpha waves closely resemble the fundamental SR frequency, the thinking is that by intentionally generating them (through the aforementioned methods), the two frequencies combine, thus increasing the strength of our own alpha waves.
Shouldn’t this in turn make us feel better and refreshed and in tune with the planet? Like a form of environmental synchronization? Indeed, theories abound. Since we (and all Earth creatures) evolved in the figurative embrace of SR, somehow we must have incorporated it into our brainwaves. Much in the way that animal blood plasma is chemically similar to seawater, since animals evolved in it.
So if humans are basically in tune with Earth’s natural electromagnetic frequencies, it stands to reason that disruptions of these frequencies from sources such as mobile phone masts, 5G frequencies and microwaves would negatively impact human health.
Circadian Rhythms and the Schumann Resonance
Scientist Rutger Wever researched the circadian rhythms of human beings (our ‘internal clock’). He wanted to know how humans behave when placed in an environment in which they have no external time cues and are free to choose their own sleep/wake and light/dark schedules.
Working with fellow German researcher Jurgen Aschoff, Wever created an underground bunker to use as a laboratory in which human subjects could be shielded from any external time cues. These included: variations in light, temperature, electromagnetic fields, and the Schumann Resonance. Between 1964 and 1989, this bunker was used to conduct 418 studies on 447 human volunteers.
One of the key findings of these experiments was this. When free to self-select their schedules, humans ran on an approximately 25 hour day. They chose to go to bed at a much later circadian phase. This resulted in a lengthening of the sleep/wake cycle period. That was due to the delaying effects of light exposure at these nighttime circadian phases.
Another seminal finding that came out of the Andechs bunker experiments was the discovery that human sleep/wake cycles could desynchronise from the circadian rhythm of core body temperature, a phenomenon known as ‘Spontaneous Internal Desynchrony‘. Endocrine function, thyroid function, depression and other affective disorders manifested in the bunker subjects. However, when a machine that resonates at 7.83Hz (SR) was placed in the bunker, the subjects found that their malaise and illnesses were alleviated.
The conclusion? We need the Schumann Resonance to stay healthy.
Bees, Pollination and SR
But humans aren’t the only ones who need the SR – all animals do, too, including bees.
To say that bees are a keystone species feels like a massive understatement. Without bees, the vast majority of food crops wouldn’t exist. We and every other species that rely on those crops for food, either directly or indirectly, would struggle for survival.
The effects of neonicotinoids and GMO’s on dwindling bee populations are well-documented. Yet there’s also a considered consensus that an overload of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) are jamming bees’ internal orientation, navigation and communication systems. For all of these, they rely on the Earth’s natural magnetic field.
As a result, bees are simply getting lost, unable to return to the hive, and dying off.
Of course, the Schumann Resonance signifies the Earth’s natural magnetic field. In fact, the bees rely on SR for navigation. But all the geomagnetic disturbance or electrosmog we produce from wireless technologies has obscured the SR. This may well be impacting the bees’ ability to navigate. Much to the detriment to all life on the planet.
But it’s not just bees.
Ever wonder why birds have been dropping from the sky? Or why more whales are being beached? Scientists also state that all animals that migrate could be affected by even small changes in the Schumann Resonance.
Evolutionary Sense
Many studies have addressed the idea that EMFs and other forms of electrosmog disrupting the SR may impact human health. For example, L.B. Hainsworth’s pioneering research supported previous hypotheses (like Konig’s) that human health correlates with the SR.
Hainsworth recognised that the frequency of the dominant human brainwave rhythm (10.5Hz) and the average frequency at which there is minimal natural interference in the Earth-ionosphere cavity are identical. He understood that this shared frequency makes evolutionary sense.
Assuming our brains are sensitive to Schumann Resonance signals, and that these signals have remained at consistent frequencies over evolutionary time, it’s fairly safe to accept the possibility (as Hainsworth and others have) that our central nervous system has evolved to rely on them to synchronise our internal biorhythms.
Electrosmog Damage
Any alteration or occlusion of these signals – as from electrosmog – may cause a breakdown or blockage of this synchronisation. The result? The drowning out of the health-promoting, possibly even life-giving, frequencies of the SR.
Many experts believe this is one reason for the increase in cancers and other diseases over the last half-century. EMFs from phone towers, mobile phones, and electric power lines, windmill energy generators, as well as other frequencies from military/industrial sources like HAARP and sonar, and even solar flares and other natural phenomena, can disrupt our sleep, if their frequencies interfere with the Schumann Resonance. The result is a lack of melatonin production, which then harms our immunity.
Since Hainsworth’s work three decades ago, multiple studies (such as this one and this one) have strengthened links between the SR and other geomagnetic resonances and human health, cognitive function, emotions and behaviour.
Some (e.g. this study) suggest that anything that disrupts the SR can interfere not only with sleep, mental equilibrium and energy levels, but also with:
- brain activity
- cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system function
- the circadian rhythm
- hormonal secretions and reproduction.
Whoa! In short, we – and all animals – need to stay in touch with the Schumann Resonance to stay healthy.
We Are Human Antennas
As psychologist and author Louise Samways notes, the human body is like a radio transceiver connected to an aerial. It’s able to transmit and receive energy from the surrounding environment. And one of those radiant energy signals originates from the Schumann Resonance. A vital frequency that evidently impacts our sense of time, bio-cycles, and our health.
Whatever the true nature of the relationship between the SR and other ELF electromagnetic waves and human health, the best way to enhance our understanding of it may be through the kind of multidisciplinary approach that’s required to study interconnectedness. The study of interconnectivity is still in its infancy. It incorporates such disciplines as geosciences, astrophysics and human and animal studies.
But from what we’ve seen from studies so far, there seems to be little doubt that human and animal health, cognitive functions, emotions and behaviour are affected by solar, geomagnetic and other earth-related magnetic fields.
How To Optimise Your Exposure
1. Minimise the amount of electrosmog to which you’re exposed. Turn off wifi routers at night, keep your phone and laptop as far away from your body as possible, and ditch microwave ovens.
2. Wear a device like this one by Philip Stein that can optimise the effects of the Schumann Frequency on your body.
3. Walk barefoot on the ground whenever you can. Grounding helps us reconnect to the Earth’s frequencies.
4. Try Biomagnetic Rebalancing therapies like these.
But above all, it’s worth remembering just how connected to this small blue planet you really are, in myriad ways.
Sources/Further Reading
Main image:messagescelestes-archives.ca
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