The Best Small Home Office Ideas

Working from home? Wish you were more comfortable? Check out these small home office ideas!

By Diane Small

For better or for worse, most of us are now working from home. While we may miss hanging out and forming bonds with colleagues, hitting the sandwich shop for lunch and even getting a bit dressed up for the office, working from home has its benefits, too.

For one, you can stay in your jammies and shun the makeup. You can spend more time with your pets. And you can definitely find more opportunities to slack off! But…are you working comfortably? I’m guessing the answer is no, because if you’re like me, you’re probably working whilst sat at your kitchen table, in a hard wooden chair. Or maybe you’re on the sofa, bent over your laptop. Or maybe you’re at a local cafe.

For the sake of your posture and productivity, this needs to change! And that’s why I decided to look for some of the best small home office ideas to help you out.

How to Create A Small Home Office

First up, you’ll need some basics, and that begins with a desk. It doesn’t need to be some massive, ‘boss-with-a-corner-office’ type of bureau. Not at all! Almost any table will do, as you’ll see in the examples below. Your desk just needs to suit your work. If you just use a laptop all day, then you’ll barely need any space at all. But if you’re say, a computer programmer who uses multiple devices, you’ll need something much larger.

No matter what your job is, sitting on your butt all day isn’t particularly healthy. Nor is it particularly comfortable. Standing desks are increasingly popular, and if you have a breakfast bar or other high ledge in your house, this is entirely possible to do. Alternatively, you could opt for something fancier, like a height adjustable electric standing desk. Personally, I work half at my desk, and half standing up at my breakfast bar. Works for me, and keeps the cramps away.

Possibly more important than your desk is your chair. Ideally, it should be ergonomic. Ergonomic chairs fit your height and other body size, so as to support healthy body mechanics. This type of chair reduces and muscle tension and strain – but sadly, most such chairs are pretty ugly. I guess you need to prioritise: what’s more important, your health or aesthetics?

Storage space is also essential. If you don’t have any, your small desk will end up being too cluttered. Look for desks with drawers, but if that’s not possible, go for floating shelves, or buy a small filing cabinet your can store under your desk.

Lighting is another factor. Natural light is the best option, but if you don’t have much access to that, go for overhead lights, plus a desk lamp.

And finally, it’s all about decor! If you use one of these small home office ideas that particularly appeals to you, you’re going to love going to work every day!

Main image: Image below:

20+ Of The Best Small Home Office Ideas

1. Standing Desk

Sitting on your butt all day isn’t just a drag, it’s actually bad for your health. Since you’re working from home, now you can improve your posture and overall well-being by creating your own standing desk! Or, if you’re buying one, be sure you do your research first and find a company that’s eco-friendly, like Ergon Life. They make simple, attractive standing desks from sustainable wood.

Image below:

2. The Office In The Unused Corner

This is one of the best small home office ideas for those with very little space! This workspace literally only takes up around a metre (or yard) in your home. It could be placed anywhere – beside your wardrobe, in a corner in the living room, or even in a hallway. I love the natural wicker baskets that house the plants, and the tiny desk, which was made from upcycled wood.

Image credit:

Best Small Home Office Ideas

3. Space For Two

If you and someone you live with both work from home, this is the ideal solution! And it’s easy to make, too. All you need to do is hit the local home supplies store to get four legs, a long plank of wood and a small dresser. Put the dresser in the middle to divide the desk into two separate spaces, screw the legs in, and you’re good to go! The classic Eiffel Tower chairs are not only eternally chic, but comfy, too.

Image credit:

4. The Cork Wall

This is one of the best small home office ideas for anyone who has a lot to remember! A natural cork wall is a lot more attractive than a bunch of yellow Post-It notes stuck to the wall. It’s more eco-friendly, and it’s super easy to install. Just get a bunch of cork tiles, double-sided tape, and stick them up!

With more kids being homeschooled, cork walls are perfect for children’s learning spaces, too. Post kids’ artwork up to boost their self-esteem, or remind them of new things they’ve learned.

Image credits: Pic one here. Second pic, Buzzfeed

5. The Feminine Office

Offices can have a cold, sterile vibe. Unless they’re like this one! Though the curved desk may not be easy to find, the rest is easy to do. Get yourself a plush chair (I’d go for velvet!) and treat yourself to pretty things. These could be flowers, plants, motivational posters, or even a glass dish filled with your favourite snacks!

Image: The Beauty Dojo

Best Small Home Office Ideas

6. Vintage Inspired

I love how it seems that everything in this office is from an earlier time! From the fab wooden filing cabinet and Modernist chair to the antique lamp, hand and glass head decorations, it’s clear you don’t need to buy things new to create a cool office. And if you find real antique furniture to use, well…there’s nothing more sustainable than that!

Image: via Instagram

7. Minimalist Chic

If you’re a fan of that old cliche: ‘a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind,’ then this is one of the best small home office ideas for you! After all, besides a desk, computer, chair and coffee cup, what else do you really need to work?

Image: Remodelaholic

8. Motivational Poster

Sure, there’s a lot to love here. The elegant desk, the tall storage space, and the sweet carpet accent, for example. But the very best part has got to be that poster! If that doesn’t motivate you to hunker down and get busy, I don’t know what will! If you love it, you can actually buy it here.

Image credit here.
Best Small Home Office Ideas

9. Wicker Basket Storage

There’s so much natural goodness here! The cork pin boards, the straw waste paper basket, and the rattan lampshade, for example. But what I love the most is the storage space! Simple wicker baskets pulling out of a wooden frame. What could be easier, or more eco-friendly?

Image: Callie Thorpe on Instagram

10. Funky Loft For Artists

If you work in a more creative area, you might need more space than the average office worker. And this is a beautiful example! A kitchen set serves as the desk and chairs, while a drafting board is where the magic happens. Upcycled crates provide cheap, easy storage, while a metallic moodboard frame brings daily inspiration.

Image: Editions de l’Arkhan
Home Office Ideas For Artists

11. Monochrome Office

Clean and simple. Black and white. A monochrome office keeps your workspace clean, so you can focus on work. This is so easy to do, too! Whatever shelves, desk or chair you have can easily be spray painted white (if it’s not already). There’s no need to buy anything new for small home office ideas like this one.

Image: DesignConnect

Best Small Home Office Ideas

12. Cloth Pinboards

If you work in a creative field and turn to your mood boards each day for inspo, this is an easy idea to implement. All you have to do is find cork, sponge, or even particle board panels, cover them in the fabric of your choice (staple it at the back), and then nail them on the wall. Perfect for artists, publishers, interior designers, and fashion creators.

Image: EyeSwoon

13. Chalkboard Reminders

Got a tendency to forget stuff? This is a great idea! Paint your walls with a chalkboard paint, and write yourself memos every day. Easy to do, and cheap, too. One of the most practical small home office ideas we know of.

Image credit here.
Best Small Home Office Ideas

14. Plenty of Plants

Nothing brightens a room up quite like plants! They’re pretty, they clean the air, and they look especially great in your home office when they’re hanging from natural rope-embellished pots. We love the relaxed, healthy vibes these bring to your space. If you want to find out And if you love that rack on the wall where you can easily peg notes, just click here to find it!

Image credit here.
Best Small Home Office Ideas

15. The Tiny Balcony Desk

If you’ve got a balcony that you never really use, why not transform it into a home office? You may have to add some double-glazed sliding doors or windows to your space, depending on your weather and the structure, but this is the perfect, sunny place to locate your home office, no?

Image credit here.

Best Small Home Office Ideas

16. Antique Style

One of the best ways to create an ethical home office is to use antique furniture instead of buying new. This small home office below is a great example. I love the combination of the mid-century modernist chair with the country style, antique table! Definitely one of the prettiest small home office ideas!

Image credit here.

Best Small Home Office Ideas

17. Floating Shelves

As mentioned in the intro to this article, storage space is essential for your office. If you don’t have much space, floating shelves are the ideal solution. You can pile up your books, files and devices here, as well as decorative items like plants and crystals.

See image credits and instructions on how to get this home office look here.

Best Small Home Office Ideas

18. DIY Painted Desk

The creator of this space, Marly Dice says: “For years I had an old IKEA desk that I painted white in my home office. It had two drawers for files and it worked well for awhile. If you have a desk that you don’t love and it’s not in your budget to buy new home office furniture, I suggest painting your furniture!”

The result is well worth the effort, as you can see below.


19. Tiniest Office, Ever!

This may not be the comfiest of all the small home office ideas, but it beautifully illustrates how any space, no matter how small, can easily be transformed into a workplace!

Image: Bask Interiors via

Best Small Home Office Ideas

20. Under The Stairs Office

Few people think of it, but the space under a stairway can be really useful! If you have plastered over this space, you may need to do a quick renovation to reveal this useful space. But once you do, voila! You’ve got an instant, cosy office space.

Image via Risen Developments

21. A Pop Of Colour

What colour cheers you up? A dash of pink? A mysterious blue? Whatever shade will lift your spirits, add a touch of it to your home office! Colour has a proven effect on your mood, so why not harness that power in your home office by painting a wall in your favourite hue?

Image credit here.

Small Home Office Ideas

22. The Back-Of-The-Bed Office

If you’ve got a very tiny place – think: studio apartment – this is a great idea! Go ‘hotel style’ and add a desk behind the headboard of your bed. If you want more separation between your sleeping and working life, just increase the height of your headboard!

Image: Pinterest

23. The Drop Down Shelf Office

It doesn’t get easier or cheaper than this! A shelf plus a clip on lamp, plus a chair, basically equals one of the best small home office ideas we’ve ever seen. Rattan baskets provide storage.

Image: Pinterest


Diane Small
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3 thoughts on “The Best Small Home Office Ideas”

  1. Pingback: 18 Cozy Neutral Home Office Decor Ideas » Lady Decluttered

  2. “Space under a stairway can be really useful” Thank you so much for this very useful idea. I will share this with my friends. Thank you again.

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