Recipe of the Week: Skinny Chia Seed Pudding

Need to eat a bit healthier? Start your day with this skinny chia seed pudding!

By Lora O’Brien

So, I thought the lockdown would be the perfect time to kick-start my health-kick. But after almost a month in quarantine with a toddler hanging off my legs, I’ve fallen into some, shall we say, pretty bad eating habits.

Instead of fueling my body, I’ve been eating more for comfort. You could say that I’ve eaten one bag of crisps too many and overloaded on caffeine – all of which has left me feeling pretty yucky!

As if I didn’t already struggle to remember the day of the week thanks to a serious lack of routine this lockdown has provided us with, I’m now battling brain fog from eating too much junk and being numbed by the Groundhog-Day like cycle of wake up, tend to the toddler, eat, sleep. Enough is enough – I need to eat better! And maybe you do, too?

Since breakfast is our first meal of the day, it’s the most important. What we eat sets us up for the day ahead, and if we start with coffee and processed foods, we’re gonna experience an energy slump an hour or two afterwards.

I asked Kathy from Kathy’s Vegan Kitchen if she could share with us all a yummy and healthy recipe that will help us all kickstart our days. and this is what she came up with: a skinny chia seed pudding.

It’s healthy, due to the abundance of fruit, vegan mylk, and of course, chia seeds. These little babies are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they provide fiber, iron, and calcium. Omega-3 fatty acids help raise HDL cholesterol, the “good” cholesterol that protects against heart attack and stroke. And they make for a pretty damn tasty pud, too!

Vegan Recipe For Skinny Chia Seed Pudding


1 tbsp chia seeds
1 cup coconut milk (not canned; in a carton) or use any plant-based milk of choice
1/4 cup coconut yogurt
2 tsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup fresh sliced strawberries
1/2 banana, sliced
1/4 cup vegan granola of choice
2 tbsp dried fruit


You can mix the chia seeds and coconut milk the night before so it’s ready to go first thing in the morning. This is especially great if you tend to skip breakfast for convenience because the hard work is done the night before! Otherwise you have to mix the chia seeds with the coconut milk and leave in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours as it helps the chia seeds to thicken and absorb all of that yummy coconuttiness! 

1. In a medium bowl, stir together the chia seeds and coconut milk.
2. Cover and set in the refrigerator overnight, or least 2-3 hours.
3. During this time, stir occasionally to break up clumps that form.
4. The next day,  stir the chia seed pudding, breaking apart any clumps.
5. Stir in the yogurt and maple syrup

AT THIS POINT YOU HAVE A CHOICE: You can blend in a high speed blender if you want a pudding type texture, or you can choose to eat it naturally as it is. I really like the texture of chia seeds, but if you’re not keen, blending it is best.

6. Pour into a bowl and add your toppings. You can use anything you fancy, but my go-to toppings are strawberries, banana, dried fruit and granola. I also like to serve this with a slice of whole grain toast with almond butter for added healthy fats!

skinny chia seed pudding

I hope you enjoyed making this super simple chia seed recipe. And if you did, and want to make more chia puds, click here for a cornucopia of chia seed recipes!

Lora O'Brien
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4 thoughts on “Recipe of the Week: Skinny Chia Seed Pudding”

  1. I work from home

    I think coconut milk is not healthy ingredients especially instant coconut milk in the can or carton pack.
    is it any recommendation for an alternative ingredient?

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