My New Summer: A Sustainable Photoshoot

What does this sustainable photoshoot convey to you? May goal was  rays of hope for a better world…

By Emy Venturini

I know it hasn’t been easy for most people lately. Many were stuck in tower blocks in cities, with no outdoor space, no sunshine, no nature.

Being deprived of these basic elements is, without a doubt, highly depressing, and I truly feel for these people.

But there is always a silver lining to every disaster, and Covid is no different.

There are new ways of working emerging (I did a shoot that was done in complete lockdown, with all the members of the team meeting only in Zoom. You can see that shoot here).

The world slowed down. We consumed less. We were less busy. We commuted less (if at all), and it was wonderful!

Many of us changed our outlook on life. The enforced pause meant that we had to reflect on our lives. Were we truly happy with our work? Our routines? Our shopping habits? Were we happy with the ethics of what we were purchasing?

I know I wasn’t. For me, luxury now means something that is good for people and for the planet, and I believe many in the fashion world are now embracing this new outlook.

I was extremely fortunate to spend the lockdown facing the sea, in the beautiful French Riviera.

Thanks to the incredible nature and clear sunlight that I could see every day from my terrace, the desire to shoot a new editorial that would highlight these features was born.

With my creative team, I put my plans in motion. First, I started looking for the perfect face to represent the brands and after some research, I found Gabriele. She is stunning, and has a pure soul as well as a gorgeous face.

Xavier, the photographer, managed to capture my concept of the new luxury for this sustainable photoshoot. I chose the clothes to reflect a more conscious summer.

Looking at these pictures, I believe we transmitted the notion of hope for a better world, and it seems that all the elements of our planet: nature, the sun and the sea – really shine through the colours of these clothes and accessories.

Let’s celebrate a new summer with a higher consciousness!


sustainable photoshoot



sustainable photoshoot



sustainable photoshoot



sustainable photoshoot


sustainable photoshoot

Direction & Styling @sustainably_by_emy
Ph @xaviergiraud
MUA @irina.awad
Model @gabrieletevainyte

Sustainable brands shown:
@belleikat @friendsthatrhyme @designfloresta @ipsilonparis @byninette @cahanajewelry



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