Looking for honest news sites better than what the mainstream media offers? Read on for some of the best alternative news sites!
By Chere Di Boscio
Some chemicals in cosmetics can cause cancer. Fast fashion is being made by slave labour in China. These are facts we try to present in Eluxe, because you won’t find them anywhere else in the news. No wonder most people have lost faith in corporate-owned media outlets. There are many good reasons not to trust a word they say.
For example, it was recently reported that the Pentagon paid a PR firm $540 million to make – and fake – ‘terror’ videos in Iraq. Yep, that’s right: the American government, not ISIS, was behind those nauseating scenes. And they deliberately made them to scare you into supporting even further military spending in the Middle East.
Moreover, it’s recently been shown that Project Mockingbird, the CIA’s project to embed their agents within news outlets, wasn’t killed off by George Bush Sr, as was previously believed. In fact, the Department of Justice in America has recently given the green light to hiring more FBI agents to act as undercover anti-terror investigators, which may include impersonating journalists.
In 2009, it was reported that the Pentagon had hired controversial PR firm, The Rendon Group, to monitor the reporting of journalists embedded with the US military. This was done to assess whether they were providing coverage that was “positive” enough to America’s missions.
How can we expect truly honest news sites to accept such monitoring?
Lots Of Power, In Few Hands
The intense concentration of global media ownership means that less diversity of opinion is being heard. According to Business Insider, 90% of the American mainstream media is owned by only 6 corporations. This means your news is filtered by highly powerful interests that are often closely connected to large corporations and politicians.
Media bias – or even lying – is even more assured when millions of dollars are ‘donated’ by powerful entities. How ‘objective’ do you think the Guardian, ABC, or the BBC is in their health reporting, after receiving huge, huge handouts from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer?
Such financial support is killing once-honest news sites, which are now heavily compromised.
Legal Lies
Here’s another good reason we need alternative news sites more than ever.
Perhaps most shockingly, in the USA, it is actually legal to lie in the news. The First Amendment to the US Constitution protects freedom of speech, and courts in the US have ruled on many occasions that freedom of speech can also include the freedom to lie.
The rationale is that such rulings give space for unpopular statements of fact. For example, in 2012, the US Supreme Court voted 6-3 to affirm a lower court decision to overturn a conviction for lying about one’s credentials.
The Washington State Supreme Court even ruled that lying to get votes, and distinguishing between fact and opinion, was not something that the state should negotiate. It wrote that people, and not the government, should be the final arbiter of truth in a political debate. It’s a libertarian ideal that many might agree with. (But what a shame Google and Facebook’s censors don’t take the same view, eh?)
Of course, some kinds of lying are not covered by the First Amendment. Nor should they be. For example, lying while under oath, lying to a government official, or lying to sell a product. And of course, lying about someone’s actions or character. All of these lies are actually criminal offenses, and are therefore not covered under the First Amendment.
But the Supreme Court has emphatically (and bizarrely) ruled that media outlets DO have a right to lie, as this video below illustrates perfectly.
So…how can we trust what we hear in the mainstream news, then?
Why We Desperately Need Alternative News Sites
With major issues like 9-11 and the wars in the Middle East, many of us are learning through social media and other channels that what we hear on the news may not be the truth. In fact, many viewers have had WTF moments that planted seeds of doubt about the media’s credibility.
For example? Let’s take when a BBC journalist reporting live in front of building 7 spoke of its demise from the impact of the Twin Towers’ destruction – before the building had actually collapsed.
Or maybe the flat-out lies about the ‘dodgy dossier‘ and ‘weapons of mass destruction‘ that to the utterly horrific destruction of Iraq.
The fact that information on these issues has ‘disappeared’ over time also makes us question just how honest news sites really are. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the sources I cited above to support my arguments vanish in the near future.
Furthermore, some news anchors, such as Brian Williams, have been forced to admit making up false stories. In his case, about his involvement in the Iraq war.
But finding honest news sites is not a partisan issue. For example, Fox News was also threatened with legal action by the mayors of Birmingham and Paris after the news network falsely stated that Muslims had taken over parts of those cities, making them ‘no go’ areas ‘even for the police’.
And there are plenty more lies and dodgy dealings that mainstream media (MSM) has been caught up in. Most recently, governments have had to backtrack on the misinformation they’ve disseminated about COVID-19. It seems their statistics are very often incorrect, and many doctors strongly disagree that Covid should have even been declared a pandemic. But hey, it’s ok when the MSM lies, right?
Binary Choices
Clearly, the MSM is bad enough at simply reporting the facts. So hosting balanced debates is pretty much out of the question.
They tend to deliver everything in terms of binary choices. Either you’re pro-Hillary or pro-Trump. You’re vaxxed, or an ‘anti-vaxxer’. You are for stopping climate change NOW, or you’re a ‘climate denier’. You’re pro-life or pro-choice, etc.
There’s never any room to ask the bigger questions; there’s no nuance. It truly is the ‘society of the spectacle‘, where we are ‘allowed’ to watch what we are given, and pick from 2 contrasting points of view. Nothing else is offered. There’s no depth. There’s no intelligence. And anything that aims to dig deeper or question the narrative is dubbed ‘fake news’ or, ridiculously, ‘hate speech’.
Today, governments and their MSM lackeys have furiously declared war on alternative news sites – even if they actually tell the truth. In fact, especially if they tell the truth.
Facebook has, of course, sent their ‘fact checkers’ to assault anything that goes against the dominant narrative. Twitter has banned accounts that are non-mainstream, citing them as ‘hateful.’
Fake News Is Real
This is not to say there isn’t a plethora of fake news sites out there. Of course there are! And many of them have been deliberately created to foster confusion as to what is really going on in the world.
As FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds states, in these times of ‘media wars,’ it’s essential to distinguish between authentically independent journalism and ‘fake news’ created by intelligence services to throw us off what’s really happening.
To cut through the outright manipulation and lies and get deeper insight to what’s really going on in the world, more and more people are (quite rightly) turning to independently run websites on the internet.
Sure, there’s an awful lot of rubbish out there. But if you know where to look, you can find some highly credible voices that are presenting well-researched information we should all know.
Here’s a list of over 12 honest news sites that aim to tell you the truth about what’s happening in the world.
Editor’s note: Since this article was published in 2017, half of the sites we published have been taken off the internet. The list has consequently been updated. Many of the sites which remain have lost their social media platforms. This demonstrates just how rapidly alternative voices are being censored. We are living in dangerous times. Please support these alternative news sites, below!
Honest News Sites Better Than Mainstream Media
1. The Corbett Report
With over 1,000 episodes, the Corbett Report has most definitely earned its reputation as one of the hardest-working and most-trusted alternative news sites in the world.
Information is archived and analyzed by James Corbett, who then turns the sources into easy to understand video news reports that always have tons of references in the show notes.
Here, you’ll find documentaries such as:
- Who Is Bill Gates?
- How Big Oil Conquered The World
- 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
and much more. These short films truly help you understand the world around us, and who runs it.
Preferring to describe the service he provides as open source intelligence, the Corbett Report has been one of the best honest news sites around for many years. The site is supported solely by viewers, meaning it’s truly independent.
2. Press For Truth
Dan Dicks is your humble host on this channel. Based in Vancouver, it’s no surprise that PFT focuses on Canadian issues.
Dicks is an investigative journalist and an award winning documentary filmmaker who produces videos and films about issues that the mainstream media often fails to report on. These include vaccine safety, the Bilderberg meetings, transhumanism and much more.
3. The Richie Allen Show
Richie Allen hosts the most listened-to alternative radio show in Europe. The self-proclaimed ‘champagne socialist’ brings on guests ranging from anti-5G activists, medical doctors offering alternative coronavirus perspectives, 911 ‘truthers,’ spiritual healers, and much more.
While Allen is undoubtedly opinionated, he always gives his guests a fair shake. He is one of the only journalists who actually challenges what his guests might say. His Irish accent is a delight, and his radio-caller chats shed some light on the true opinions of ‘the common people‘ – views that are often censored by mainstream media.
4. Global Research
In an era of so much media disinformation, Global Research aims to give clarity to issues such as the war on terror, climate change, Covid, and other major political events.
The organisation is behind The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). This is an independent research and media outlet based in Montreal that’s involved in book publishing, supporting humanitarian projects and educational outreach activities.
Global Research also organises public conferences and lectures. Their Centre also acts as a non-partisan think tank on crucial economic and geopolitical issues.
5. StormCloudsGathering
From serious doubts about the origins of the terrorist attacks in Paris to questions about who is in fact behind ISIS, Storm Clouds Gathering presents all the information the corporate media is hiding from us. This is one of our favourite alternative news sites for getting a different spin on current events.
Presented in clear, simple video format, those behind this independent news site are a young couple who no longer live in NATO states, as they believe the leaders of those countries ‘have lost their marbles’.
Spend 10 minutes watching SG’s videos, and you’ll tend to agree!
6. Truthstream Media
Aaron and Melissa Dykes are the married couple that comprise Truthstream Media. They are best known for their in-depth documentaries on wide-ranging subjects. In addition to news, politics and world events, the duo offer up deep research in the area of MK Ultra, for example.
They’re also specialists in the the quasi-secretive work of major foundations and other philanthropic institutions that operate a statecraft of their own, largely overlooked by mainstream history.
7. Media Roots
Founded by the former host of RT’s Breaking the Set, Abby Martin, Media Roots has a strong leftist bias. But it’s still one of the most honest news sites out there.
This is a citizen journalism project that reports the news from outside party lines. Abby believes that just as the root system of a tree is more important that the tree itself. In other words, independent media is integral to the foundation and survival of a democracy.
Graduating from San Diego State with a Bachelor’s degree in political science, Abby’s Media Roots regularly features exclusive reports discussing the latest world events.
8. The Off Guardian
This is one of those alternative news sites that has serious credibility.
It was created by former Guardian readers who became disillusioned with the paper’s “increasingly distorted and tendentious news reporting on Libya, the proxy-war in Syria, and the Ukraine Crisis.” In fact, it could be said the Off-Guardian acts as something of a watchdog for the formerly left-of-centre British newspaper.
Its writers come from North America, Britain, and Southern and Eastern Europe. With impeccable sourcing, The Off Guardian is, without a doubt, one of the most honest news sites around. Unlike the Guardian, which is heavily funded by the Gates Foundation, The Off Guardian is not supported by any governments, institutions or pressure groups.
The site strongly believes in the sanctity of facts and the concept of truth itself – not merely in that of competing narratives. In fact, part of their logo is: ‘Because facts really should be sacred.”
9. Activist Post
Spiro Skouras is one of the thorough and credible journalists working on Activist Post. This is one of the most liberal, honest news sites around. Another writer on the site is Derrick Broze, an investigative journalist, documentary maker and liberty activist. Broze is also the founder of the TheConsciousResistance.com. and a writer for The Last American Vagabond.
The Activist Post covers issues like the dangers of 5G, decentralising power, uncovering government corruption and maintaining civil liberties.
10. 21st Century Wire
Strong advocates of free speech and truth in media, 21st Century Wire calls itself News for the Waking Generation. Founded in 2009, it’s a North American and Europe-based, grassroots, independent news site. It works with a core team of writers, researchers, and volunteer contributors who help to objectively analyse news and provide a diverse perspective and opinions from around the world.
21st Century Wire writers have appeared internationally on TV, radio and in print. They are also keynote speakers at leading alternative conferences and events. They aim to deliver a consistent stream of independent research on subjects and views that are rarely covered in the corporate-owned media.
11. The Last American Vagabond
This is one of the most honest news sites with some of the best investigative reporters around! These include Whitney Webb, Derrick Broze and Ryan Christian.
All staff work hard to provide real news that the corporate media won’t touch. And they do so in depth, with credible sources.
They also provide excellent interviews with doctors, scientists and other experts who have been censored and ‘cancelled’ by corporate platforms. Definitely one of the best alternative news sites for those with a curious and open mind.
12. Technocracy News & Trends
Technocracy is the non-democratic, nightmarish world the global elite want us to live in. So believes Patrick Wood, the man behind this site. And he should know.
Wood is a leading expert on sustainable development, the green economy, Agendas 21 and 2030, and historic technocracy. He wrote Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015). He also co-wrote Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.
An talented economist and financial analyst, Wood offers deep insight into modern attacks on our personal freedom.
This is one of the best alternative news sites for chilling news about how technological developments are creeping in to end our personal freedoms and bodily sovereignty.
13. Project Veritas
Specialising in undercover investigative reporting, Project Veritas is another of the most honest news sites around. The site has already revealed so many incredible facts that haven’t been covered by the corporate media at all. For example?
They’ve proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that CNN has amped up the Covid fear for ratings. And they have proof they are planning to do the same to climate change when the virus hysteria fades. This comes directly from the mouth of one of the most important staffers on the channel. Let’s see what happens!
Veritas also gives a platform to whistleblowers. These include former Google employee Zach Vorhies, for example. He demonstrated how Google’s algorithm is biased towards politics it supports. He also revealed how they plan to censor all who are against their ‘woke’ worldview.
And now…an independent news source in print!
14. The Light Truthpaper
This is one of the most honest news sites in print and is available as a downloadable PDF. Given the rampant online censorship, which as increased dramatically since this article was first published, it’s very much worth mentioning.
The Light was founded by a group of British activists. They were sick to death of the lies surrounding the pandemic of 2020, vaccines and more. The paper now aims to bring the truth to the masses. Since it’s printed, it cannot be censored, or hidden by Google’s algorithms.
Writers include British doctors and health experts, as well as well-known journalists and activists. Subscriptions start at £5, and after just one month, the paper managed to gain tens of thousands of subscribers. They encourage people to share the paper as far and wide as possible, to spread the truth!
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The ‘pandemic’ narrative over the past few years has confirmed what has been developing for a long time, that the mainstream media are now inherently untrustworthy. On an individual level, one can try to counter the narrative on-line by writing one’s own blogs, as I have in addition to other forms of activism.
Couldn’t agree more!
In November 2020, when the UK government initiated the second lockdown, it prompted me to start what was originally an anti-lockdown blog on WordPress, from a local perspective. This developed into a general freedom blog as it became apparent that there were other important related issues to deal with. I ran this blog with a related Twitter account that was suspended in August 2021. As that meant fewer people would view the blog, then I did a Summary in October 2021, with a subsequent Afterword in April of this year: https://warwickfreedom.wordpress.com/2022/04/03/afterword/
Thanks for sharing! It feels like more of the world is waking up. I hope these alternative sites help!
Concentrated power and wealth is what has always made America great right from the early days of the revolution. Once our Founding Fathers banded together for a common cause they set the standard we proudly follow today, Americans united. Success, money, power, and even guns, rising to the top is at the core of American Culture. Freedom isn’t Free. Love it or leave it, either way it is our destiny and Alex Jones is one of the few who publicly recognizes and promotes the Sprit.
How is this article dated October 6 2016 yet you are talking about corona19?
We update our articles regularly
In response to Jay Jerico Oct 2018 request for print media I responded:
The Epoch Times is for you my friend. Based on factual presentations by those who have a doctrine of truth, experienced communism, and promote conservative values.
Try firstline.news
You haven’t mentioned eith Signs of the Times, sott.net, or Information Clearing House.
Thanks for the info! Those are new to me….
I typically ONLY find the TRUTH on Chris Menahan’s site: INFORMATION LIBERATION, and I’ve been conducting independent research since 1999.
Thanks for sharing! Will check it out!
NewsCetera is the best one out there. https://newscetera.com
NewsCetera is a crowdsourced information exchange outlet for news, articles, discussions, videos, etc., created by the users without fear of censorship, political correctness, retribution and social intimidation.
Thanks for the info!
You attack the journalistic standards of ‘mainstream’ press, while at the same time succumbing to a litany of failings yourself. I count dozens of unverified ‘facts’, statements out of context, repeated falsehoods and outright conspiracy theories.
I think it’s a worthy aim to be sceptical, but to accept fringe media and ‘alternative facts’ as equally weighted is ludicrous. The following raises serious alarm bells about your judgement and/or your commitment to robust journalism or even attempting to reporting the truth:
1) Dismissing a publication in its entirety because it is “George Soros funded”
2) Conflating ISIS with Al Qaeda and inaccurately stating that Bell Pottinger faked ISIS atrocity videos; implying that somehow ISIS is ‘fake news’ – tell that to the people of Homs in Syria or the Yazidis community in Iraq. I’m not refuting that a widespread PR campaign was launched to make the case for war in Iraq – this has been widely reported on by professional journalists and academics since 2003 – but to imply that ISIS is fake news beggars belief.
4) Referring to numerous crackpot conspiracy theories as though they are fact: 9/11, ‘plot’ to install Hillary – FFS!
6) Failing to consider that a great deal of balance and alternative viewpoints can be found in the established press – incl. mainstream news agencies such a Associated Press, Reuters, Al Jazeera, RT, Der Spiegel, Le Figaro, Le Monde, Financial Times, BBC, etc. They all, of course, have their own, idiosyncratic editorial stance, bias, political leanings, ideological affiliations and sources of funding.
The point is to read WIDELY, not selectively, to understand the editorial foundations underpinning different publications, weigh up bias and subjectivity and think about the motives – this includes reading some of the fringe outlets you mention in your list. But to argue that we should discount all international mainstream media as lies somehow orchestrated by the US government, and instead believe that we are somehow liberated by accepting a load of rubbish as ‘truth’ is almost laughable if it wasn’t so tragic.
Alex: Allow me to correct you a bit, as you’ve made several incorrect statements here. I didn’t ‘dismiss any publication in its entirety’ because it is “George Soros funded” – that was but one reason to dismiss it. The ISIS atrocity videos have been proven to be faked; they were made in a studio with green screen tech. I did not at all imply that ISIS is ‘fake news’. I agree that one should read widely, however, in this age of blatant lies in mainstream media, balance is needed – and the sites that are offering alternative perspectives are being shut down rapidly, one after another, as being ‘fake news’, when they are anything but. This censorship should be terribly alarming for most, but it seems mahy in the world are asleep to this authoritarianism. By claiming that I said ‘we should discount all international mainstream media as lies somehow orchestrated by the US government, and instead believe that we are somehow liberated by accepting a load of rubbish as ‘truth’- well, you’re just as guilty as those who spread ‘fake news’ by putting words in my mouth.
Prove it. The op has it right on the money.
Radio Free should be on this list. https://radiofree.org and there’s an iOS app too, just search “RadioFree” in the App Store. News for people, not profits
what about Truthdig and Democracy Now?
Democracy Now is Soros funded…
how about steve quale
The UK Column has been heavily reporting on the formation of an EU military, which the MSM has entirely ignored.
They often feature 21st Century Wire contributors. Strong coverage of the paedophile pandemic infesting the upper echelons of the UK. It is fronted by former Royal Navy personnel, but hey, nobody’s perfect!
I was quite interested in your writeup here but once I saw your examples of honest sites – the facts disagree.
Natural News is honest? The man screaming the ebola was coming to kill all of us a few years ago is considered ‘honest’? His weekly ranks without facts or studies is ‘honest’. Not true.
Great article. Thanks for the list. I also recommend http://www.gibiru.com instead of Google. Gibiru’s search results are uncensored and anonymous and have a lot more alternative results than Google.
Great to know! Thanks for the info!
The first one on the list is the best. Satire often exposes things in a single joke that ‘normal’ media cannot tell in a whole story.
I also like news aggregators which combine various perspectives in their results, such as http://viewsinnews.com/
NakedCapitalism.com is also worth reading for a macroeconomic view of the methodologies of control
I am looking for the best alternative print media semi-mainstream media to post this op-ed about The New York Times. Any ideas people? These links here do not contain any paper print media.
The Epoch Times is for you my friend. Based on factual presentations by those who have experienced communism and promote conservative values.
Love it, googled alt news and elux popped up first on the list so I had to check you out. In-Q-Tell must have told google to back off. As for AJ not making the list I can see why. Most people remember him from that Bohemian Grove thing which somehow got tied into to the Franklin thing and the Boystown thing but he is most known for his Bilderberg loud speaker and for just that one thing he got my attention.
News is not how you make it as it is like gold; it is where you find it.
Very interesting article.
For an almost full collection on some of the world’s most visited alternative news websites, be sure to check out:
I can’t say I’m familiar with all of the sources on the list—but I’m familiar with enough of them to know that this list was compiled in good faith and with thought and intelligence. The Corbett Report is my favorite news and information source too!!
Thanks so much for saying so! I love Corbett too! 🙂
Where does OAN fall in this ranking? Among the choices for news on TV, I’ve found it more palatable than anything else.
What’s OAN?
“One America Network”, found online at OANN.com which stands for One America Network News. Its news like it used to be with no hype.
Gonna check it out, thanks!
I like the ‘right to lie’ thing. We should not have a paternal media telling us what to believe and what is true, so that’s why I like aggregators which, unlike Google News, do not censor.
This is very informative, thanks!
You’re welcome! I should add that I just discovered this, another great source: http://www.veritasradio.com/about.html
What if you are not a leftist? What if you are not a socialist or a progressive ? Sites that spin or lean or only cover one political view are not honest news.
I want something that is just facts.
These sites don’t subscribe to the left-right paradigm, which is basically a lie to keep the masses divided.
John Smith, Show your work? I would love to see your proof that Natural News is run by the CIA. lol
Many of these ‘so-called’ ‘alternative’ news sites are bogus and are operated by agent-provacatus, namely CIA and Israeli. Namely, ‘Natural News’, among others.
Agree we need to be vigilant, but do you have proof of what you say?
Ludicrous comment. There is no proof of this whatsoever.
Thanks for the list, I saved it. Maybe one day I will learn to care again and make use of it.
this is my first visit to your site, and I am an old fart with far too much time to fill up, so please take these comments in that perspective. I have no idea who views your magazine, but it seems that a lot of your comments are not really new and some are very naive. Lies in the news? Of course that is legal, always has been and probably always will be. Personally, i have no problem with that. Finding the eveldoers is much easier when they publish their lies. Also, that is exactly why you folks have jobs. Limited ownership of the media was addressed in an old West Wing episode. i can’t even remember how many years ago that was.
Seems like you folks are trying to fight the good fight. Thanks, and keep trying.
Thanks so much Barry!
Yesss chere thank you! its tough to see through the wool that is seamingly forced over our eyes or trust any articles, alternative or msm because people will take the time to write an entire article without a shred of truth just for a few shares. The word journalism has turned into a synonym for slander which is so frustrating, abhorrent and quite terrifyingly baffling. So again, thank you. This article is now in my favorites so i can look back when i need to know whats really happening on the other side of the wool.
Glad you liked it! 🙂
I’m so thrilled to have found your site and article. I recently re read Fahrenheit 451 and shortly afterwards deleted facebook. I looked at it and thought what a fantastic propaganda channel. We need to reclaim our ability to think and read more than bite sized chunks
Couldn’t agree more!
Where is Infowars and why is it not in this list?
Are you serious! ‘Why is INFOWARS not in the list’.
Well, for a kick-off, ALEX JONES is a CIA shill. He portrays himself as ‘for the people’, yet he’s an agent provocateur.
It’s being well know for some years now.
Hear hear!
because he’s controlled opposition for the oligarchy
This is really an important site for truth–thanks, and may truth prevail because of your efforts!
Thank you so much! We are passionate about converting people to alt sites, since the MSM seems to be pushing us to accept WWIII more and more!
I also like https://www.disclose.tv , which is clearly missing in the list above.
Thanks! Will check them out!
Great list. I subscribe to the News Not Heard newsletter and get news from quite a few of these sources, without having to seek it out. Plus they sum up all the articles so that’s nice lol
Nice one! Thanks for sharing that info!
What happened to #5 ? Who mysteriously disappeared?
Who edited this article and why was #5 deleted?
Come on…. tell us the truth? We are watching!
Thank you for the partial list.
What happened to #5 ? Who mysteriously disappeared?
That is odd! Restored now.
I also googled “alternative news source” and eluxemagazine.com was the 4th choice.
btw thank you for this list.
Thanks for the info! So glad you like the list – the MSM has just become an appalling propaganda machine. Enough is enough!
Here is an interesting fact. I found this site only by using DuckDuckGo search engine. I entered “Any honest news sites not run by leftists?” and all the results on Google were about leftist news sites! It was hilarious. I thought their parse and search algorithms can’t be that stupid – and it was only after I entered the same query into a DuckDuckGo search, that I got to this site – which at least purports to offer some honest, non-MSM news sites. I had never heard of Eluxe Magazine – but thanx for at least posting these sites. Everywhere I look now, I get bombarded with spin and disinfo. Today, Feb.26, the US stock market (as reflected by the Dow Jones Average) was up more than 1.5% (DJIA up 399 pts). The US economy is booming. If you listen to the leftist MSM, (via the Google news aggregations), you would think everything was terrible. But the numbers all seem to be saying otherwise. Google’s “Washington Post” filter bubble has really become extreme, and seems to be painting an increasingly false picture of America – particularly with it’s anti-Trump news generation efforts. I am no great fan of the Trump administration, but they seem to be executing on what they had promised. And doing this while Califorina billionaires seem to be funding leftist media outlets to undermine and attack the administration at every turn. I suppose truth is always the first casualty in any conflict, but the power and reach of the Google News filter should make us all worried. Or do we just have to buy the line? “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!”
Thank you for this comment! Love it so much. I’m sure you’re aware that Google is de facto enacting censorship by burying results such as those you were after. It’s rather scary, since it’s so insidious; the vast majority of the population has no idea that there’s a kind of censorship happening now, every day, that makes book burning look like child’s play. And you should know: Eluxe is actually edited on Duck Duck Go (it’s my default search engine) 😉
I heard that ‘DuckDuckGo’ is somehow owned by Google too!
OMG…seriously! This is a serious fear – that smaller search engines get bought up by the monsters… 🙁
Things seem to be improving . i found this site with google, searching for “alternative news”. This site was fifth on the list.
Damn! Only 5th! Must try a new SEO agency! 🙂
stop thinking in terms of left and right and start thinking about rulers and ruled. As George Carlin said, “there’s a big club, and you ain’t in it!”
Left/right is just another method of control.
Preach brother, political adjectives get thrown around by so many people, using a single word to sum up their own belief system, or anybody else’s for that matter, regarding social, financial, or political issues, is laughable.
People believing they live in a democratic society where the elected government officials represent the interests of the masses is insane.
With the richest 1% owning so much of the worlds wealth and assets, and the gap between rich and poor ever increasing, where is the proof of democracy ?
I’m pretty sure the poor want more than they have, and in a democratic society if the majority want something they get it don’t they ? that’s the very meaning of democracy isn’t it ?
Whether you support the left, the right, democracy, communism, socialism , capitalism, conservatism, fascism, nationalism , globalism , or any other useless ideology, its just that, useless.
Any other system besides anarchy I suppose, results in people attaining positions of authority and power, and we all know how greedy and corrupt people are.
Life on Earth has always been temporary, Read the bible, it was always going to play out this way.
“Be in this world, not of this world”
I just really don’t understand how this absolute certainty not only fails to be the focal point in salvaging our nation from the run away train we call our govmt but is nearly completely suppressed and absent from nearly all political discussions today. Anymore I won’t attempted having any meaningful conv. about our nation’s state with anyone unable to come to this realization. Hence it being my first and most often the only point I try and convey during such times. Anyway Rand Paul for pres
When I look up anything controversial I use DuckDucGo because the rest seem bias.
Infowars is Deepstate Disinfo media. Alex Jones is a shill. An act to discredit the truth movement by making us all look like crazy conspiracy theorists. Aside from paul Joseph Watson and him having two of the most annoying and condescending voices on any media channel, their intel is mix of blatantly unverified disinfo and just enough “truth” to keep less astute viewers hooked.
The sources in this list above are far more credible.
Well said!
Where’s Infowars? Their google, youtube, twitter and facebook numbers are through the roof even with blatant and very obvious massive censorship.
If you want childish conspiracy theories fed to you by the unhinged Alex Jones then by all means watch info wars. However if you are a fully adjusted adult then I would avoid it for anything but an occasional laugh.
You clearly do not have a clue what you are talking about. Are you perhaps working for CNN, surely sounds like that
you can say what you like about Jones, sure, he’s on occasion kind of a characature of himself and swings manic/depressive at times, then again…..knowing what he knows and having seen it coming down the pike from so far off…..who honestly wouldn’t be ? There is one thing that can NOT be disputed regarding Alex Jones and infowars….I have NEVER seen him disproven once. Never. The most insane, completely b.s.stories and assertions he’s made that I as a new listener told myself, ” hes just exxaggerating to make a point” and he wasn’t of course, came true just as reliably and mind bogglingly as all of his other nutty sounding stories. Yet, sadly, he was right. Just today I saw the proof positive which i came across quite accidentally, that “dead baby juice” is used to flavor Pepsi products. Sounds totally made up. Nope. I wish it were. And not just Pepsi and not just “dead babies” either, but “aborted fetal tissue from female bablies.” also used by such firms as Kraft, Dasani, Aquarfina, Lays, and so on. Unbelievable. He is spot on and the narrative of his detractors is always the same…..he’s out of his mind, crazy, tinfoil hat wearing….um…well yeah of course its true…who ever said it wasn’t true? As MSM comes along months or years late reporting the information and never mentions, or God forbid!, credits the infowars source, just commandeers it. Truth be told I don’t think he cares too much about being ham-handedly plagiarised as long as the information is being spread. But you continue to spread the real fake news, and that is that Alex Jones is fake or conspiracy theorist (a term made up by the CIA, incidentally, to discredit people who were “on the them” . At this point I would think you would see its actually conspiracy FACT.
Info Wars has lost all credibility. Alex Jones has exposed only himself. You have a lot of catching up to do.
You’re right. I gave up on A.J. years ago.
Thank You. Have been looking for Truth in Journalism. The Truth is out there, you just have to find it!
Maybe I have with these 12 sites. We’ll see.
Very much appreciated! I don’t watch msm. Wag the dog!
Thanks Beth! Wag the dog indeed! 😉
Beautifully compiled and honestly written!! Thank you Chere, my warrior of truth in this crazy world in which we live.
Aw, thanks for your sweet comments! Hope this list helps a lot of people! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing this list of News sites.
I dont know when this article was written. But today, at least half this list is absolute bullshit for honest news.
Billmon hasn’t been associated with Moon of Alabama for years.
It’s also heavily anti- U.S.
I am a US resident. The country and its people are great, but the governments at all levels leave much to be desired. At the fed level is where most of criminality takes place. Our Constitution is not even on the radar of nearly all members of Congress, where it’s everyone for themselves, their personal enrichment. So, I too, am anti-US, as far as the fed government is concerned.
That is so negative. Do you ever listen to all the Patriots and Conservatives speak? I love the positivity of the conservatives and their love of America. It is inspiring. I refuse to accept the doom narrative, evasiveness speeches of negative people. Look for the positive is what I say.
I agree 100%
this is laughable