Suzanne Somers On Cancer & Cosmetics

My interview with Suzanne Somers taught me so much about natural health, ageing gracefully, and more!

By Chere Di Boscio

Suzanne Somers  gained international fame as the ditzy Chrissie Snow in the hit sitcom “Three’s Company.” In reality, however, Suzanne is far from a ditz. In fact, her curiosity, critical thinking and writing skills have made her one of the best-selling authors of natural health and beauty books in the world, and she’s recently launched her own all-natural, fully organic makeup and skincare line, Suzanne Organics.

At just over 70, Suzanne has more energy than most people over half her age. She’s just written a new book, appeared on Dancing with the Stars, and has her own TV show, which advocates living a greener lifestyle.

Here, in this exclusive interview with Suzanne Somers, she talks makeup, mountains and maintaining good health.

Our Exclusive Interview With Suzanne Somers


You’re nearing 70, but say you feel like you’re in your 30s. How would you define ‘youthfulness’?

It is not about age. It is totally about your energy and attitude on life.

Well, you certainly have to feel youthful to go on Dancing With The Stars! What’s been the most challenging part of being on the show? What’s been the most fun?

DWTS is not for the faint of body. It is seven days a week of intensive rehearsals, wardrobe fittings, interviews, and preparation for the big show day, which is “live”. There’s no going back! Whatever happens is what the audience sees.

I love live television. It stimulates something in my body that makes me all wiggly.

What’s the single most important thing a woman can do to ensure she stays energetic through the decades? And when should we start planning a health-maintenance strategy?

Women should consider starting in their 20s or 30s by doing a baseline blood test to see where all one’s bio-chemicals are at. That can happen at, which features doctors trained in longevity medicine and bio-identical hormone replacement. Then, you’ll have an accurate personal measure to use when you want to replace hormones your body is no longer making later on. Don’t leave it too late!

From Miranda Kerr and Gisele to Iman and Josie Maran, everyone is talking about ‘organic’ beauty products. Why do you think natural skincare and makeup are a big ‘thing’ all of a sudden?

People realized that they were being poisoned by their food, their water, their air, the off-gassing from all the dangerous chemicals inside their cars, their carpeting, their mattresses loaded with fire retardant and often formaldehyde. No wonder cancer rates are on the rise!

Almost everything is now working against us and it is our personal responsibility to take care of ourselves and defeat the negative effects of toxic poisoning.

Tell us a bit about your own natural cosmetics line. What are your favourite products?

I have been intimately involved in every single one of my “SUZANNE Organics” products, from organic skincare, hair care, and cosmetics. You can see them all on my website. I have loved playing with makeup since I was about 7 years old, so all my organic products are like my little children and I love them all.

As for my favorite products, my lipsticks are one of the only lipsticks on the market without lead. Yes, really – lead! Every time you see a woman in a restaurant after dinner, putting on lipstick and licking her lips, you know that lead is going directly to the neurons of her brain. Bad!!

You’ve written several books about health and beauty. What’s the latest one about, and why did you feel the need to write it?

“TOX-SICK” is very personal. Both my husband and I were infected with black mold living in a rented house (our beach house burned down). My granddaughters had Lyme disease, mold, and several other toxic issues. All of us have worked endlessly for the past two years to heal and we are almost there. I realized that millions more have many of the same issues and I wanted them to understand that my experience and solutions could also be theirs.

When I told people I was doing an interview With Suzanne Somers, they all asked me to ask you about Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). I know you’re a huge advocate of its benefits. Why do you think there is still so much controversy in this area?

The drug companies sell artificial hormones that the Women’s Health Initiative in 1992 said could harm women and perhaps even prove fatal. Bio-identical hormones are plant based and are biologically identical to the hormones we make or made.

The controversy comes from the drug companies who wish to maintain their multi-billion dollar business. There is no profit in bio-identicals since they are natural and not a drug. But they’ve done wonders for me!

Nine years ago, I had cancer. I didn’t take chemotherapy. So how did I cure it? Nutrition and bioidentical hormones. And I did have radiation, I should say.

Which people trying to make a difference in the area of natural health do you most respect and why? What are you proudest of so far in your career?

I have been fortunate in the past 20 years to have access to the greatest scientists and doctors in the world and give them a big voice in my books. Everyone I have interviewed is in my books because they have something important to share with me and my readers.

I was always uncomfortable being a celebrity, which gave me great tables in restaurants and lots of fan mail; that was not me, though I love my fans and hearing from them. For 35 years, since leaving “Three’s Company,” I now use my celebrity to get to the most respected health care specialists in the world and share my experience with them for the greater good.

I have met personally at my lectures and hundreds more online women and men whose lives have been changed by following the health-giving protocols in all my books. That is my most satisfying feeling of accomplishment.




You often advocate for getting out in nature. When and where are you happiest?

I have had a love affair with the desert for 40 years. The sky is azure blue, the mountains covered in snow at 10,000 feet, the air is pure, the light is magical and the only sounds I hear are chirping birds and buzzing bees. I cannot remember one day I have not awakened really happy in the desert.

My husband and I have not spent one night apart in over 35 years and both of us are happiest in the desert. We walk or hike the San Jacinto Mountains every day. When we reach the top of the mountain, we become very spiritual and can spend hours together not speaking…just enjoying nature’s great gift. It has become our church.

Thanks so much for speaking with us! Good luck with the new book.

Thank you!

Chere Di Boscio
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