How To Turn Your Home Into A Home Gym

Wondering how to turn your home into a gym? It’s easier than you think!

By Chere Di Boscio

It’s not always possible to get to the gym. Maybe you’re working late, maybe it’s closed for renovations, or maybe the weather is horrendous. But never fear – a home workout is possible! You just need to know a few tricks.

It’s harder to motivate yourself to work out when you’re not surrounded by other people doing so, so be sure you:

  • Put on some music that gets your heart pumping
  • Get into your best workout clothes
  • Get anything distracting out of the way (pets, phones, etc)

Now, it’s time to recreate the gym…at home!

We asked top Eastnine fitness coach Ania Gabb to share her best tips on how to turn your home into a gym using everyday household items.

“With a creative mind, we can have fun and get fit using the objects around us,” she says. “Working out from home will not only tone your body, but will also lift your mood!”

Ready to get started?

How To Turn Your Home Into A Gym

How To Turn Your Home Into A Gym

TINS: Weight Station

“A lot of us aren’t fortunate enough to have access to our own set of dumbbells. But, is it possible to create a gym within our home using furniture and other household items? Absolutely!” says Ania.

To do so, she recommends using bottles of water and tins of food to replicate dumbbells – just be sure the water bottles or tins weigh the same amount. A large bag of potatoes can be used for front squats. You can easily do a workout that really tones your arms – just make sure you do lots of reps!

Try doing this

STAIRS: Cardio Station

Ania says stairs can easily be used as a form of cardio and also as a raised platform for conditioning work. If you have a full set of stairs, see how many times you can run up and down the stairs in one minute – just be careful you don’t slip! Ensure you’re wearing shoes that will grip the floor.

If you only have 2-3 steps in your house (or in front of your house), no worries! You can use these as if they were a PlyoBox – jumping up and stepping down. The steps can also be used for knee lifts, as well as raised lunges, push ups, and tricep dips.

Of course, cardio can be done without any equipment whatsoever: do an aerobics workout that alternates:

  • 10 burpees
  • 50 jumping jacks
  • running on the spot for 1 minute
  • 50 jumps on the spot
  • rest
  • repeat all 6 times and you have a 30 minute workout!

That being said, if you want to switch your indoor workout up a bit, there’s another great cardio exercise you can do if you have the space for it: skip with a rope. Skip for 10 minutes without stopping, rest for 2 minutes, and repeat until your 30 minute workout is complete.

Try doing this 

CHAIRS: Spot Exercise Station

Of course, if you have a yoga mat at home, this is an easy one. You can do all of these there:

  • sit ups (try doing 15)
  • crunches (do 3 sets of 30)
  • leg raises (do 30 on each side)
  • plank (try holding for 1 minute, building up to 90 seconds)
  • donkey kicks (do 30 on each side)
  • hydrant lifts (30 on each side)

But if you want to raise the game a bit, you can grab a heavy chair and use it for tricep dips and push ups, or use it for balance as you do reverse lunges, leg raises and single leg squats.

Try doing this

BOOKS OR JUGS: Abs and Butt Workout 

Dust that dictionary or encyclopedia off and work out your tum and bum! They’re not always that easy to hang onto, so you may want to tie a ribbon around the books so it crosses under and on top of them (as though you were wrapping a gift with a ribbon) and grab on to the string instead.

You can use the books to do the workout below: or if you REALLY want a challenge, try using water jugs instead (way heavier, and way harder, I promise you!) Fill them up to the point where you’re challenged, but not killing yourself with the strain.

Try doing this

BED SHEETS: TRX workout 

TRX workouts have become super trendy, and are a great way to build up core and arm strength. If you’re missing your workout, don’t worry – you can do this at home with some bed sheets! Just tie them securely to your door handle or locked at the top of your door to create an at-home workout.   

Try doing this

Do you. have any other ideas on how to turn your home into a gym? Let us know in the comments section below!

Chere Di Boscio
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