10 Eco Friendly Ways To Improve Happiness

Have a happier day, every day! These 10 eco friendly ways to improve happiness just may surprise you!

By Chere Di Boscio and Matt Mellen

Despite more people around the world having access to more riches than ever before in human history, it seems this doesn’t lead to increased happiness.

There are many theories on what constitutes ‘happiness’. But the general consensus is that happiness is an evolved trait that optimises our behaviour for successful living and therefore survival. We are usually happiest when we eat, sleep well and spend time with loved ones, for example.  So it’s no surprise that behaviours that harm ourselves and the planet are increasingly lowering our well being – and vice versa.

The good news is that by identifying key areas where sustainability and well-being meet, easy gains in happiness can be made.

Here are 10 simple ways to be happier. And guess what? They’re all eco-friendly!

10 Eco Friendly Ways To Be Happier

1. Live More Locally

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his  feet

– James Oppenheim

Modern transportation in general and the car in particular were expected to result in a new era of individual freedom. However, the way our society has restructured around the car has resulted in a range of unforeseen social problems. The car is blamed for pollution, noise, stress, congestion, the demise of local communities and  urban sprawl, as well as obesity, respiratory problems and traffic accidents. Spending less time travelling on a day to day basis is one of the easiest ways to improve happiness. We then have more time for their families and leisure pursuits, and they also gain greater safety, improved city air and better health, as well as happiness.

Living la vida local isn’t just about reducing transport use though. If it’s impossible not to commute, you can still live more locally by consuming more local produce, or better yet – by growing your own. This can improve your happiness in many ways. For example? Children grow up with a better understanding of how food is grown, food is fresher, and small, local food supply chains can thrive.

Shopping more locally also increases your regular contact with people in your community. Of course, better interpersonal relationships are consistently found to be the most important correlation with human happiness. Since the 1950s, modern societies have become more atomised and communities have broken down, and this is one reason well being has declined.

On the upside, the more you stay in an area, the more you’ll get to know your local barista, newsagent, and neighbours. Building those relationships is another one of the ways to be happier every day.

ways to improve happiness

2. Get Moving!

Happiness consists in activity. It is running steam, not a stagnant pool.

– Oliver Wendell Holmes

Another of the easy ways to improve happiness is to be more active. The consensus that regular physical exercise is a vital part of maintaining health and wellbeing has existed for at least a decade. Walking, cycling and/or using public transport instead of car travel can have dual health benefits by providing the required physical activity levels and reducing the adverse health effects of motor vehicle transport.

Active transport is more important now than ever before, as obesity is increasing globally. Most adults in England are overweight, and one in five – around 8 million in total – is obese. Globally, obesity  has nearly trebled in the last 20 years. The most likely causes are increasingly  sedentary lifestyles combined with changes in eating patterns. Our eating habits are now more solitary and random, as opposed to joining family or friends for three meals a day.

Ultimately, this impacts happiness. Obese people are more likely to become depressed. But many studies on well-being have shown that people of all weights who are more physically active show improved well-being, higher self-esteem and also greater confidence in their ability to perform active tasks, along with better mental functioning.

10 ways to improve happiness

3. Connect to Nature

If you want to be happy for an hour, get drunk;
If you want to be happy for three days, get married;
If you want to be happy forever, make a garden.  

– Chinese Proverb

One of my favourite ways to improve happiness is to simply be in nature.

Edward O Wilson’s Biophilia Hypothesis  proposes that as a consequence of evolution, humans have an innate tendency to focus on life and life-like processes. However, modern ways of living as prescribed by Western industrialised culture stand in stark contrast to our evolutionary history. As such, living in cities far from nature may have significant adverse outcomes for human happiness.

As most people instinctively know, being out in nature brings pleasure to us on a primal level. It focuses our attention away from material goods, which helps to avoid the angst and self obsession that is a by-product of our individualistic consumer times.

So, what can you do if you live in a city and can’t imagine moving to the countryside? Plant a garden, grow herbs in a window box, visit a local park and admire the beauty of the trees and flowers. Visit the countryside at weekends, walk barefoot in the grass, hang a birdfeeder from your balcony…

The possibilities to enjoy nature are endless, and will be beneficial to your state of mind.

how to be happier

4. Limit Your Choices

Can anything be so elegant as to have few wants, and to serve them one’s self?  

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

The expansion of Western capitalism has successfully sold us the ‘myth of choice’. It’s presumed that the more choice we have in what to wear, buy, eat and do, the more prosperous and better off we are. However, as illustrated in this sensational TED talk below, this proliferation of choice is actually a very mixed blessing.

Some choice is good; too much choice paralyses us and makes us anxious. For people who care about the environment, choices are greatly reduced, offering some relief. Happiness in the knowledge that they’re making the best choices they can in the circumstances. Such people shop less, eat locally, work ethically, travel responsibly. Those choices are easy. Making decisions based on a higher principal (rather than marketing or peer pressure) is liberating and satisfying.

In short, one of the most unexpected ways to improve happiness is to limit. your choices by a kind of framework. And an ethical/religious/moral framework works best. If you’d like more information on how minimalist living can lead to more happiness, click here.

5. Appreciate What You Have

Another of my favourite ways to improve happiness is simply this: feel gratitude for what you have.

‘Affluenza‘ is the term for the pursuit of always wanting more, and as societies get richer, it becomes worse. The hedonistic treadmill means those afflicted will never be happy with their new possessions or money. They quickly adapt and need more. Status Anxiety pitches them in unending competition with their peers in an unwinnable race.

Francois Lelord, a leading French psychiatrist, caused a sensation with his book ‘Hector and the Search for Happiness’. He says: “in Western countries material affluence has increased threefold, but our life satisfaction has not increased. In the West, we live in fear that we may lose everything. There is more apparent freedom and choice, but it just increases our anxieties.”

In a Times interview, Francois mentions three key needs we must fulfil to be happy:

  1. to feel useful and recognised
  2. the need to have friends and connect with others
  3. a necessity to feel an excitement about life

None of those can be bought. Those who truly appreciate what they have see how material wealth is a constructed are undoubtedly the happiest people.

10 ways to improve happiness

6. Find Enjoyable Hobbies

We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements in life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.

– Charles Kingsley

Still wondering how to be happier? Hobbies can make us happy a few ways. First, by allowing us to have a creative outlet. If your hobby is writing, painting, or something else that engages the artistic side of your character, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and self-expression. But any hobby can also give a sense of flow – that near-meditative state where we lose track of time and feel removed from the stressors  of life.

People who consistently enjoy activities that they engage in purely for the joy of it, as opposed to for a reward, regularly report a boosted sense of wellbeing. So pick up a surfboard, paint brush, some knitting needles or book regularly. Whatever makes you happy!

10 ways to improve happiness

7. Develop Yourself

Joy is a flower that blooms when you do

– Anon

When talking about ways to improve happiness, many turn to the works of psychologist Abraham Maslow. In 1943 proposed his highly influential theory of a Hierarchy of Needs.

The lowest levels are occupied by physiological needs and are termed ‘deficiency needs’. As these are met, higher levels of needs emerge, and the person moves up the pyramid. The higher levels are termed ‘growth needs’ and are associated with psychological needs. While our basic ‘deficiency needs’ must be met, our growth needs are continually shaping our behaviour. Personal growth creates upward movement through the hierarchy.

Maslow studied exemplary people such as: Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Frederick Douglass. He believed these folks reached the pyramid’s apex. He noted these people share common traits:

  • They embrace the facts and realities of the world (including themselves) rather than denying or avoiding them.
  • They’re creative.
  • They’re interested in solving problems; this often includes the problems of others.
  • They feel genuine closeness to other people, and generally appreciate life.
  • They’ve got a system of morality that is fully internalized and independent of external authority.
  • They judge others without prejudice, in a way that can be termed objective.

In short, the happiest people have developed in such away as their lower level needs have been met and they are now turning their attention and creative energies to what truly makes them feel fulfilled and happy. So, how can you do this yourself?

Well, points 1 and 6 above and 8 and 10 below can help with Esteem and Belonging needs, for a start.

Image credit here.


8. Get Social – But In Real Life

Did you know that not staying in touch with friends and family is one of the top five regrets of the dying? Don’t let yourself have this regret!

One of the loveliest ways to improve happiness is to spend time with those you love and truly care about. But happiness can also come from spending time with strangers. And if you help them out, that’s a double bonus! Researcher Shawn Achor learned that those who spend about two hours per week helping others rank amongst the happiest people in the world.

This is backed up by a German study of volunteering, which demonstrated that those who helped others in care centres and soup kitchens became more depressed when deprived of the opportunity to lend a hand. When socialising, ensure this is for true pleasure. Bask in the company of people you genuinely like and who you’d do anything for. Not just those you think could advance your career or whose approval you’re seeking! That’s just a recipe for anxiety.

When out with loved ones, for an extra shot of happiness, consider picking up the cheque. In Achor’s book, he notes that when interviewed, people who had spent money on activities with others, such as by going to concerts, group dinners or shows, were happier than those who spent money on material purchases, such as watches, shoes or electronic goods, for themselves.

And finally – don’t think spending time on social media is the same as being with people face to face! Several studies show that teens who spend more time on social media rather than meeting peers in real life tend to suffer from more depression and anxiety.

Which means one important means of how to be happier is to get off your phone. Or better yet, ditch the smartphone and get a flip phone, or even an old-school ground line.

10 ways to improve happiness

9. Connect to Animals

This is another of my favourite ways to improve happiness! Any pet owner knows that animals can bring so much joy into any life. Getting a pet not only takes you outdoors more and makes you exercise (especially dogs), it can also be a great conversation starter with strangers, thus connecting you to others.

But a pet can actually have health benefits, too. The American Heart Association  has linked the ownership of pets, especially dogs, with a reduced risk for heart disease and greater longevity.

Studies have also found that pet owners suffer depression much less than those without pets, and that they have higher levels of serotonin and dopamine (‘feel good’ hormones) than those without.

One reason animals help us feel happy is that they fulfil a basic human need to touch. Even toughened criminals in prison have shown long-term changes in behaviour after interacting with pets, and many of them experienced mutual affection for the first time.

If it’s impossible for you to have a pet, just going out and feeding the birds or even watching fish in an aquarium can increase happiness levels and reduce anxiety, which is why many dentists put fish tanks in their offices. There are also increasing numbers of ‘cat cafes’, where you can stroke a moggy whilst sipping a cuppa, all the while feeling happier. 

10 ways to improve happiness

10. Rise Above

A human being is part of the whole called by us ‘universe’ … We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive

-Albert Einstein

One of the best ways to improve happiness, escape the madness of modern society and reconnect to our place in the universe is through meditation. It literally clears your mind and calms you down, it’s been often proven to be the single most effective way to live a happier life.

Studies show that in the minutes right after meditating, we experience feelings of calm and contentment, as well as heightened awareness and empathy. And, research even shows that this can go on indefinitely – regular meditation can permanently rewire the brain to raise levels of happiness.

There’s a myth that meditation is difficult, but in fact, it’s as easy as pie! Click here to see how, and find your bliss.


So there you have it. 10 tips on how to be happier. Try just a few of these, and we bet you’ll be smiling in no time! And of course, if you have tried any of these, or have some tips of your own, do let us know in the comments below.

Chere Di Boscio
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